ISR. +972 2-624-0288       UK. +44 20-315-01740       CAN. +1 416-848-9616

WirePay Israel offers a wide range of services.

Forward Contracts

Secure exchange rates today for transactions anytime between three days to 12 months in the future. Forecast budgets, profit margins, and price lists without worrying about currency fluctuations affecting your bottom line.

Standing Orders

The market is monitored on your behalf for your desired exchange rate and your order is automatically processed if the market reaches your desired rate. Complimentary service to WirePay Israel clients.

Personal FX

Making overseas purchases or planning an event? We can help.

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Business FX

We offer you a better rate on your exchange transactions which means more money in your pocket.

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Concerned about safety? We're fully regulated and secure.

WirePay Israel offers a safe and regulated alternative to the banks for transferring and converting funds. Our business effectively transfers money from customer to beneficiary via leading financial institutions. We have no settlement risk on transfers, as we do not carry any overnight market risk, so you can feel comfortable that your transfer will reach the recipient on time, every time. WirePay Israel VP Ltd is a trusted provider to thousands of customer's world-wide, who have enjoyed the benefits of excellent rates, low fees and uncompromising service.

Foreign exchange dealing is regulated in Israel by the Israel Money Laundering Prohibition Authority. All Israeli companies providing services to deal in foreign exchange should be able to show they are a licensed provider.

We are fully audited by Dov Weinstein Charted Accountants and have numerous lawyers dealing with all compliance related matters.