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Overseas Purchases

One of the great unknowns when making a purchase in a foreign currency is the true cost of the transaction.

Fluctuating exchange rates can make a planned purchase more expensive. Whilst corporate clients are given competitive exchange rates, individuals have usually been subjected to fluctuating margins and therefore can never really be sure what their purchase will actually cost them.


Purchasing a property overseas can be daunting enough without having to worry about the cost changing due to fluctuating exchange rates and inflated margins. WirePay Israel can alleviate this concern by offering you excellent exchange rates and by formulating a strategy to give you the best possible deal.

You find the PERFECT property...we give you the PERFECT exchange rate!


If you're purchasing a car overseas you're after the best possible deal for your money. There's not much point going to all that trouble to be ripped off when it comes to purchasing foreign currency to make the payment.

WirePay Israel assists in the purchase of cars overseas by ensuring that the exchange rate you receive results in the savings you make going into your pocket, not the company you used to purchase your foreign currency!


Take the stress out of planning your Israel celebration.

WirePay Israel can offer you excellent exchange rates, low (or no) fees and a strategy to ensure the smoothest process in paying for your affair. We can provide checks or cash in the denominations and currency of your choice to make paying for things in Israel easy and convenient.

We can deliver your funds to your hotel or residence, giving you the peace of mind to enjoy your celebration.


The vast majority of purchases from overseas will involve a currency exchange and thus you leave yourself open to exchange rate fluctuations and, more importantly, fluctuations in margins. This can often leave the true cost of the purchase a mystery and afford you little control.

Please contact us to find out more about this service !

Learn more about our Personal FX services:

Whether emigrating, buying a holiday home or purchasing goods in Israel or overseas, you can make very significant savings on your transactions using WirePay Israel versus a bank.

You will also benefit from our expertise in managing the hidden risks caused by exchange rate fluctuations which can seriously impact your outcomes.

For example, if you are emigrating and the currency you have depreciates you will have less capital to get started in your new life. WirePay Israel offers simple solutions that enable you to mitigate this risk.

Each client is assigned a dedicated foreign consultant who will provide information on market trends and clearly explain how you can manage your risk and achieve the best rates.

WirePay Israel offers a completely transparent service where you can compare our rates versus wholesale rates, and against your bank.

There's no obligation or cost, so why not check out our rates and compare them with what you currently receive?

Aliya or Moving Abroad

WirePay Israel offers corporate rates and services to individuals, which means great savings on your international transfers and more money for you in your new country. You can do all your business over the phone to save you time.

When transferring funds with us, one of our consultants will help you formulate a strategy to minimise your exposure to the market and assist in increasing the shekels you will receive.

WirePay Israel offers a completely transparent service where you can compare our rates versus wholesale rates, and against your bank.

Investing Overseas

If you are investing money in Israel or receiving the proceeds of an overseas investment or pension, it's worth ensuring that you receive the very best exchange rate and minimise your fees. For smaller transfers, high fees and uncompetitive exchange rates will make a considerable difference to the final amount that you receive. WirePay Israel can ensure that you maximise the value of your foreign exchange deal.

It makes absolutely no sense to lose some of your funds before you have even invested them! This is precisely what is happening if you're paying excessive fees or receiving uncompetitive exchange rates when you purchase foreign currencies to invest. WirePay Israel can help ensure that more of your money arrives where it should by giving you an excellent exchange rate and taking a low (or no!) fee. You spend time ensuring that your investment is going to reap you the best rewards so why not spend time ensuring that you are receiving the best exchange rate?